Entries by Karen Dempsey

Copy We Wish We’d Written: Blue Bell Creamery

My 12-year-old neighbor, Phoebe, returned from a trip to Houston and couldn’t wait to tell me about the ice cream she’d discovered, Blue Bell, and the company’s super fun slogan, “We eat all we can, and sell the rest.” (Phoebe’s not aware that I write copy for a living, but she knows how I feel […]

In the City at Night, The Hired Pens Welcomes Karen Dempsey

At the tender age of ten, I published a pair of linked poems in the esteemed literary journal, The Buffalo News. Ready? Sure? Okay, here you go. In the City at Night In the city at night The lights shine bright Stray cats meow And dogs say “Bow wow” In the city at night. Clearly, […]