While we’d never pretend to be doctors, The Hired Pens can speak (and write) fluently about a wide range of medical conditions. But as we’ve learned the hard way, this does not make for good dinner party conversation. Even our doctor friends are like, “Enough about alien hand syndrome.* You probably just have carpal tunnel from all your writing. Can we please talk about something else?” Okay, fine.
* Yes, that’s a real thing, and no we don’t actually have it.
Here’s a look at some of our work in the healthcare space:
Healthcare Clients
“Taking technical medical jargon and distilling it down to create accessible, flowing, consumer-patient-friendly Web copy that shapes the market differentiators of a 200-year old academic medical center isn’t a particularly easy job. Dan and his team at The Hired Pens excel at being both scientific medical content strategists and consumer health writers. … Do they give honorary medical degrees for this sorta stuff?”
> Shawn Gross, sr. interactive marketing manager, Massachusetts General Hospital