Tag Archive for: advice

Millennial Say What? How to Talk Young When You’re Old.

In preparation for TEDFest in New York City a couple weeks ago, I did a little research: where to eat, what to see, how not to sound old to the majority-millennial crowd … I’d be embarrassed for anyone to see my search history today, but I’ll put that aside to share this gem of an […]

He’s Just Not That Into You

Oh, small, earnest neighborhood florist — I can see how hard you’re working to get this right. Here you are in the heart of college country, with scores of students strolling past you every day, never stopping to browse or buy. You know an untapped market when you see one, and you’re even willing to […]

What the Dalai Lama Could Learn from Fast Company

“Is it wrong to hide the Dalai Lama’s posts?” I asked on Facebook a couple of years ago. “They’re just so frequent.”* I wonder if Tenzin Gyatso saw this recent profile in Fast Company, which featured Rufus Griscom talking about how to build online communities around your content. We liked what RG had to say. […]

The Hired Pens Advice Column: Ava’s Hot Dog’s

Dear Hired Pens, How do you tell a family member that the sign for their business (a hot dog stand) is an embarrassment? “Ava’s Hot Dog’s.” In a pickle, Simone Dear Simone, I have thought a lot/alot about your question. I even posted it on Facebook to see if anyone had any good suggestions for […]

Don’t Be a Whiny Crybaby … and Other Pieces of Sage Advice for Would-Be Copywriters

Every few weeks or so, I get an email like this: Dear Hired Pens, I just finished my graduate degree in obscure 18th century literature, but now I am thinking maybe I need to give up on my dreams and figure out how to pay my bills even if it makes me feel like a […]