Stop whatever you are doing and watch the Comfort Wipe infomerical now
Since is my home page, I’m not sure why I haven’t stumbled upon Slate’s brilliant “culture blogger” Seth Stevenson before. But after reading his post “Don’t Believe the Wipe” (about the new “Comfort Wipe”), I need to check in more regularly.
I really don’t feel comfortable telling you what Comfort Wipe does, but maybe you can guess. And if not, the complete blog post is here.
Here’s a link to the infomerical if you want to skip right to finding out how 18 inches of plastic can change you life … or at least allow you to “Maintain your dignity while maintaining your personal hygiene.”
I agree with Stevenson; that older lady really does look like she’s about to wink at the audience.
Now, ordinarily I would consider this borderline gross yet very funny. However, now that I am 36 weeks pregnant and my girth has expanded by more than your average watermelon…I am intrigued from a very practical standpoint!!!
Ha! Maybe you should write to them and ask if you can be in their next commercial. “Being a pregnant lady has its advantages …”