Leo loves Bacon like The Hired Pens loves Jennifer Bruni
Dear Faithful Blog Readers,
I am currently hard at work on a blog about speed writing. Given the topic, you wouldn’t think it would take that long if I followed my own advice. Hmmm…
But in the meantime, I thought I’d share one of my favorite blogs from The Hired Pens newest hire, the talented Jennifer Bruni. Jennifer is not only a great writer well versed in both finance- and technology-speak, but she has a fun, sassy voice we here at The Hired Pens wholly endorse.
Check out her piece entitled “Clichés to avoid (not like the plague).” I particularly like her corporate-speak bingo. And my speed-writing tips will be with your shortly, so stay tuned.
P.S. To keep you entertained, here is a picture of my son eating his first bacon. It went over big-time. The man next to him was a good/bad influence.