Feeling Over-Stimulated

This morning I drove by my neighborhood Mexican restaurant to see their marquee now reads: “Our Stimulus Package: Buy One Lunch, Get a Second for Half Off.”

A minute later on the radio, some car company was advertising “our version of the stimulus package.” And when I arrived at my destination, I saw a store linking “stimulus package” to “bundle of joy” to sell baby clothes and accessories.

I’m thinking maybe The Hired Pens should get onboard. “For every 20 words we write, you’ll get an extra 20 for free!” Or, “This month only, all ‘stimulating’ words half off!”

If only we offered this deal when we were writing for Brookstone. Imagine how much they could have saved on their line of (relaxing, indulgent, powerful, gratifying) massage products. 

Anyway, I guess you can’t fault companies for trying to be timely. I just wish they didn’t all think of it at the same time. And if you’ve got a good example of one of these “stimulating” ads, please do share.

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