Entries by Anna Goldsmith

Writing White Papers: Here Are the Basics

In a previous blog post, I discussed how American businesses besieged NBC News with requests when it offered insights into what made Japanese companies successful. This was the result of its in-depth news show, “NBC White Paper,” and the businesses wanted the information contained in the report. Of course, NBC created the report as a […]

How to Turn Off 75% of Your Readers in an Instant

“It’s possible to blow away three-quarters of our readers simply by choosing the wrong type.” So says Colin Wheildon, author of Type & Layout: Are You Communicating or Just Making Pretty Shapes, in an article by John Wood. That’s a lot of people to lose right out of the gate. Think about what that represents […]

Find Your Brand in Eight Questions

If you’ve ever done any online dating, you’ve probably been asked to think about “your personal brand.” This is really just a clever way of asking, “What makes you ‘you’ and different from your competition?” As in dating, the best brands in business are distinct, consistent and memorable. Because let’s face it, there are a […]

A PowerPoint … About Why PowerPoints Are So Bad

This PowerPoint presentation really speaks for itself. And that is EXACTLY what you don’t want to do if you’re trying to engage with your audience in any meaningful way. The slideshow was directed at professors, but anyone can benefit. Well, anyone who uses PPT. My favorite tip: If your audience can understand everything they need […]

Sexing Up Wheat Germ

The request came in from Cam Brown at  King Fish Media: “We need you to make wheat germ sexy.” He went on to say that they had just landed the Kretschmer Wheat Germ account and the brand — which had been languishing in relative obscurity since 1936 — was ready to get some attention. I […]

You Had Me, You Had Me … You Lost Me, Big Ass Fans

Flipping though a recent New York Times Magazine, I saw this ad. It called to mind the long-form copy of David Ogilvy (“the father of advertising”) that left an indelible mark on the advertising world. Ogilvy believed — and there’s now plenty of research to back up his hunch — that although most people won’t […]