Entries by Anna Goldsmith

The Hired Pens Wins Big with the Skinny at MITX

Last summer we worked with Genuine Interactive — a great Boston interactive agency headed by Chris Pape — on a Web-based ad campaign for French’s mustard. The goal was to get health-conscious consumers (and those who should be!) to make the switch from mayo to mustard. How’d we do it? Scare tactics and humor, baby. Check it out. […]

Literally the Best Writing Advice Ever

If the title of this post sounds familiar, then you must also be reading Paul Yeager’s new book, Literally the Best Language Book Ever. A man after our own hearts (especially Dan’s, who prides himself on his grammatical prowess) Yeager identifies hundreds of illogical expressions and language miscues he wishes we’d all quit saying. My favorite […]

Well, it’s about time!

These days we’re all about SoMe here at The Hired Pens. No, not as in “Girlfriend, you have got to let me borrow your fuchsia goulashes — they are SO ME!” SoMe as in “the new, in-the-know way to abbreviate ‘Social Media.’” And as I learned at the recent New Marketing Summit, if you’re not […]